Miss Liz Heart: Organization - How I Organize My Scarves

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Organization - How I Organize My Scarves

Scarf weather is slowly approaching in my city so it was time to take these babies out. I used to have them on hangers in my closet but I love having them all on display much better. Not only is it easier to see what I have but I'm less likely to neglect them if I can see them everyday. 

I had this towel rack on my door that I never used so as I was planning on getting rid of it, it occurred to me to use it for my scarves. I bought mine from Target for around $17, but I know you can also find it at Walmart and Amazon. 

I really love the way it looks and I realize I really need to stop buying black scarves...

Hope you found this organization tip helpful! 

Oh BTW this is what my room looks like when I get a notion to organize

Scary huh!?

xo Liz ♥  

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